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10 Reasons for Participation in
International Civic and
Social Action Projects

By Joy Charlton
Professor of Sociology and
Director of the Eugene M. Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility

1. Today, students’ ideas of community are not limited to their immediate surroundings. They go to places where they see need, whether that is across town or across the world.
2. Social action abroad helps us to identify those characteristics that we share with all humanity.
3. Students have a keen desire to experience another culture [...]

Global Civic and Social Action

By Carol Brévart-Demm

Thanks to Yongjun Heo ’09, indigenous inhabitants of the Pemón villages of southern Venezuela have been receiving preventative health care for four years now.
In summer 2007, funded by a Summer of Social Action Award from the Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility, Heo worked in Pemón as a physician’s assistant, where he noticed while [...]

7 Courses With Global Reach

1. Art history: Crafting Nature: The Art of Japanese Tea Culture
2. Economics: Global Capitalism since 1920
3. Educational studies: Comparative Education
4. Film & Media: Postwar France: French New Wave
5. Physics: The Earth’s Climate and Global Warming
6. History: Orientalism East and West, U.S. Political and Diplomatic History II: The Rise of Globalism
7. Engineering: Study Abroad Program at Technical University of Poland

Chart: Where Our Non-U.S. Residing Alumni Are

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Chart: Studying Abroad

Chart: Swarthmore’s Global Ties

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5 Reasons for an International Campus

1. International students contribute a variety of perspectives.
2. They prepare their domestic peers for the international workforce.
3. They enhance the College’s commitment to tolerance and understanding.
4. They keep the College current on global economic and other trends.
5. They attend Swarthmore to obtain the best preparation for their future, but also come away with good friends [...]

Chart: International Students at Swarthmore

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Chart: Swarthmore Instructional Staff

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Global Curriculum

“What Do We Owe Distant Strangers in Need?”

Ayse Kaya, assistant professor of political science, designed the course Globalization with the aim of having students examine the many dimensions of an interdependent world, including politics, economics, culture, and the environment. Her students learn about political-economic globalization; discuss changes to state sovereignty and autonomy; analyze key [...]