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Lively Mix of Ideas Expressed in October Articles

Just a note to say how much I am enjoying the October issue of the Bulletin. The public policy theme is exciting, well handled, and very important in one of the most critical election years I can remember. As a local political volunteer I am immersed in the weeds of grassroots campaigning. It is refreshing and inspiring to read about the highly significant achievements of alums like my classmates Judge Mary Murphy Schroeder and physician Oliver Fein; faculty like Professor Ben Berger; and service-oriented students like Lang Opportunity Scholar Nick Allred ’13. Cheers to them and all the others doing great work.

Nina DeAngeli Walls ’62
Ridley Park, Pa.

I much enjoyed reading through the latest Swarthmore Bulletin with its coverage of health care and the many cartoon illustrations, including the cover. Thanks also for featuring my classmate Alex Capron ’66 and his career in medical ethics. He was a leader in our class and has carried his talent into the world. I also appreciated the letter from Mark Heald, a retired physics professor who taught me and then, much later, Sally Ride ’72. I was glad to learn more of Sally’s Swarthmore connection.

Tom Webb ’66
Seekonk, Mass.

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