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Stephen Harnik ’75

Stephen Harnik ’75 was awarded the Volunteer Community Service Award from the Austrian-AmericanHarnik.jpg Council of North America for his longtime efforts to foster goodwill between the two nations. The award reflects Harnik’s generous support for several charitable Austrian organizations. He is a general practitioner at Harnik Law Firm, the attorney for Austrian government in New York, and the New York Delegation of the European Union. He is a trustee of the American Austrian Foundation that sponsors advanced training of Third World doctors in Salzburg, is a director of the American Friends of the Vienna Choir Boys, the U.S. Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Freud Foundation U.S., International Friends of the Albertina Museum, the European Radiological Society, École Hôtelière de Lausanne, and he founded Friends of the Kunsthistorisches Museum and the Friends of the Wiener Konzerthaus. In 2007, the Austrian government awarded him a gold decoration in honor of his services to the Republic of Austria.

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