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Larimore Heads to Abu Dhabi

By Carol Brévart-Demm

James Larimore, the College’s popular dean of students for the past three years, left Swarthmore at the end of this academic year to accompany former president Alfred Bloom to the United Arab Emirates. Larimore will be part of the team appointed to create a brand-new NYU–Abu Dhabi downtown campus. He will serve as associate vice chancellor for campus life and dean of students at the new institution, working to create the resources and support systems for student life outside the classroom.

With the new Abu Dhabi downtown campus currently under construction, the first cohort of students is expected in fall 2010; a permanent campus will be built over the next few years on Saadiyat Island, 500 meters offshore from Abu Dhabi, Larimore says.

The College will begin a search for Larimore’s replacement as soon as possible, with a view to selecting a new dean of students by the end of the fall semester. Bloom—with the approval of then–president-designate Rebecca Chopp—has appointed Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Garikai Campbell ’90 to the position of acting dean of students for the interim period.

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